Shame, Shame, Shame

Niall FergusonStephen Marche just wrote an article about the whole Niall Ferguson brouhaha, The Real Problem with Niall Ferguson’s Letter to the 1% at Esquire. He notes that Ferguson charges $50K+ for public speeches, and that this is the audience he is going after: the super wealthy and corporation who can afford such outrageous speaking fees. I don’t accept this idea, but it is a reasonable contention.

I think that Niall Ferguson has allowed his ideology to harm his thinking ability. This more blinded thinking (which was always there as seen in his first book, The Pity of War), made him too cozy with conservative political elites. As we see with Fox News, once you get inside the echo chamber, you are lost. You don’t get good information and your arguments get soggy because no one ever questions them.

So I thought Marche’s article was effectively an apologia for Ferguson—a way of removing some of the shame of his recent work. But despite that, the comments on the article were hostile. The following quote really struck me:

Marche, I always read and typically agree with what you have to say, however can we get something in the near future about ideas to move forward. Nothing derogatory in the piece, just straight up ideas and answers? For all of the media I read and participate in, I think that’s what has been lacking the most. It’s what makes Pierce’s (among other pundits) pieces so brutal to try and attempt to read and take seriously. Maybe, how about an issue of Esquire focused solely on ideas moving forward without cynicism or blame?

This is typical “Look! I’m in the center! I’m reasonable!” thinking. Regardless, check out that last sentence, “How about an issue of Esquire focused solely on ideas moving forward without cynicism or blame?” This is exactly what we heard from Obama three and a half years ago. There’s a problem with it. Assigning blame is not cynical. Assigning blame is part of the healing process. Not assigning blame indicates that we believe what happened before was okay.

Societies need guidance. Personally, I’m not for major penalties. But I am for holding a person up and saying, “What you did was wrong.” I am for shame. Because shame is something that a society needs. It is something that I need. We all do bad things. When those bad things are public, the shaming should be public.

If Niall Ferguson is just to be forgiven without discussion, then Niall Ferguson and those who believe him will go on spreading lies. In fact, while we have our Very Serious discussion of “ideas,” Niall and his clan will be off in their echo chamber becoming more and more convinced that our society has become a socialistic hell that much be saved through armed revolt.

This I posit, is even more important than discussing the policy ramifications of the ACA. Shame on us if we insist on elevated discussions while the base of our culture crumbles underneath.

Two Who Pay Close Attention

If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying AttentionDo you remember this bumper sticker? It has always made a lot of sense to me. Just the same, I try to keep calm. In recent years, this has been more and more difficult.

There are two political commentators who I think of when I reflect on, “If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Attention!” The first is Eric Alterman, who I write about quite often—most recently, Paul Ryan’s Holy Trinity. The second is Dean Baker, who I also write about often—most notably, Copyright is for Wimps.

Today in a take down of an Ezra Klein article that I haven’t yet read—Still Getting the Housing Bubble Wrong—Dean Baker has a parenthetical comment that I think is infinitely quotable:

Remember, the purpose of economics is to make simple things complicated so as to exclude most of the public from debates on the most important policy issues that affect their lives.

Who doesn’t love any professional who thinks lowly of his profession? We need more lovable curmudgeons like Eric Alterman and Dean Baker.

Infinite Crazy

Recently, Jamie Peck over at The Gloss decided to see if she could get away with being topless in New York. It resulted in this picture:

<%image(20120821-topless.jpg|334|259|Sunday in the Park with Boobs)%>

What is most remarkable about this picture is the book: Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace’s masterpiece sort of about the search for a video tape that is so funny people stop doing anything but watching it. Stylistically, it reminds me much of John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces. Both of these books seem so off the cuff that they would be easy to hack. Although I find that I can write genre fiction well enough, my sincere attempts to write something in the style of these men have been complete failures—and I have a plot that I think works (more Infinite Jest than Confederacy). I think it comes down to the old line, “I can’t be smart all of the time.” These guys were smart, creative, learned—all the time. And crazy.

It bothers me that both Wallace and Toole killed themselves. In Toole’s case, there seems to have been serious mental dysfunction. I don’t know what to say about it other than that it is sad. Wallace’s case more disturbs me. I think that some people take baby steps—inching ever closer to annihilating themselves. The brilliance of Wallace and Toole could indicate that the rest of us are safe. But I haven’t found that my own mediocrity makes me any more stable.

Stagger to Maturity

Alfred CrosbyI discovered the quotation below from John Green on the most recent Crash Course World History video.

Alfred Crosby is a historian who wrote about how European settlers thrived in Neo-European countries. I don’t know much about him. He seems to have added a lot of information about biology to his study of history.

I’m mostly interested in him because he appears to be a lovable curmudgeon. The quote below comes from Crosby’s book The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492. It is during a discussion of the difficulties in determining the quality rather than the quantity of food people have eaten. But what the hell, he argues, quantity at least gives us some idea:

The question implies a disregard for the vital role that proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc., play in man’s alimentation. However, it is crudely true that if man’s caloric intake is sufficient, he will somehow stagger to maturity, and he will reproduce.

Normally, you have to turn to Schopenhauer for such a gay assessment of life.

Fifth Time’s a Disaster

Breaking BadMost of my friends are women, and that means that I have very few friends who are fans of Breaking Bad. In fact, most of them make derisive comments about the show. So basically, I get to talk about the show with Will (who I disagree with much of the time) and read Matthew Yglesias (who I agree with most of the time). But I think I am diverging from most hardcore fans of the show: season 5 was probably a major mistake.

Let’s start with the fact that the ending of season 4 was perfect. The story had ended, we didn’t need any more: “I won.” Fade out. That’s a rap. Greatest television show ever. Kermit the Frog yells, “Yeeeea!”

Even though season 5 started right where season 4 ended, it seemed like we were starting all over again. But there were important and unhelpful changes. Skyler, instead of continuing on her arc was suddenly afraid of Walt. As the season has progressed, she is mostly there to have this very boring fight about whether the children should continue to live with them. I don’t buy any of it. If she cared about her children and feared Walt that much, she would have secretly ratted out Walt and gone into witness protection.

The bigger problem is the change of Walter from protagonist to antagonist. Over the course of the first four seasons, Walt had become much more morally ambiguous. But he wasn’t evil and he wasn’t megalomaniacal. In the most recent episode, he’s gone from evil to just plain stupid. He justifies not selling out the business because he’s lost his wife and children; the business is all he has left. Can he really be blind to the fact that he has lost his family because he is in the meth business?

This week we get a little more information on Gray Matter—the company Walt help start. Unfortunately, the information conflicts with the other information we’ve been given. The implication earlier was that the others at Gray Matter had screwed Walt, not that there was a lover’s triangle (implied in the recent episode) and he went of his own free will. But this brings up an important question. Walt is passing up five million dollars in order to be the meth king. But with five million dollars, Walt could start a reputable chemistry company. If he really wants to get back at the Gray Matter people, wouldn’t that be the way to go? If he really wants to be respected, isn’t that the way to go? Hasn’t it been clear for at least two seasons that it drives Walt crazy that he can’t go up to Hank and tell him that he’s been punking him?

Another problem is that in six episodes, Breaking Bad has featured two heists. This indicates a certain desperation on the part of the writers. I justified the first one as a necessary set up for the rest of the season. But in episode five we have another heist that is largely resolved in episode six. We are likely halfway through the current season. This no longer seems like set up.

Where is this show going? Chaos is not the same thing as dramatic momentum. I fear that Vince Gilligan may have forgotten this. Regardless, I am not hopeful about the rest of this season.


My biggest argument with Will is over the character of Jesse. I think he is by far the most sympathetic of the major characters. At first, he was just a punk. But as time has gone on, he’s matured. For a man of his age, this makes sense. It certainly makes more sense than Walter’s devolution. Breaking Bad is filled with narcissistic characters. Jesse cares about other people and that’s a major step up from even Saul—the second more sympathetic character.

Update (20 August 2012 1:29 pm)

In the episode “Gray Matter,” it is clear that there was some kind of a lover’s triangle. In the episode “Peekaboo” it is expanded on where it is clear that at least Walt thinks he was screwed. The video is on this Facebook page. It ends badly:

Out of the Mouths of Romney and Fools

Dylan Matthews over at WonkBlog has a very good article looking at the current crop of Presidential campaign ads. One is the Americans for Prosperity “Has President Obama Earned Your Vote?” ad:

Matthews correctly notes:

The deficit critic in the ad continues, “I’ve seen zero interest in reducing spending. He inherited a bad situation, but he made it worse.” Again, on both deficits and jobs there has been improvement. Not just that, but federal spending as a percentage of GDP fell from 25.2 percent in 2009 to 24.1 percent last year, and Obama released a plan to reduce spending still further, cutting the deficit by $3 trillion over 10 years. Obama has certainly shown greater than zero interest in reducing spending.

While this is all true, what is most interesting is the line, “He inherited a bad situation, but he made it worse.” This is an exact quote from Romney’s stump speech. You would think if Americans for Prosperity wanted to put together an ad showing former Obama supporters who have changed their minds, they would put words in their mouths that are different from the words in Romney’s mouth.

Update (20 August 2012 4:48 pm)

WonkBlog is really good today. Ezra Klein has an excellent article, The worst case against the Obama administration. It discusses Niall Ferguson’s Newsweek article that by all appearances (I’m willing to suffer for this blog, but I’m not willing to read any more Niall Ferguson) repugnant hatchet job on the Obama administration. It is well worth reading. And if you just can’t get enough, Matthew O’Brien wrote A Full Fact-Check of Niall Ferguson’s Very Bad Argument Against Obama over at The Atlantic.

The main thing is this: if Ezra Klein is angry, then you’ve really gone off the rails.

Update (20 August 2012 5:14 pm)

Noah Smith has a great article on Ferguson too.

I have been known to tease a fellow blogger or two, but there is really only one writer who makes me truly mad, and that is British historian Niall Ferguson. I will explain exactly why he makes me so mad at the end of this post. First, though, I want to say a few words about Mr. Ferguson’s cover story in Newsweek magazine, entitled “Hit the Road, Barack”. I should note that it imposes a heavy psychic cost for me to do so, since it requires that I actually read Niall Ferguson. But the public duty to expose BS and promote truth and intellectual honesty overrides such selfish concerns.

Update (20 August 2012 8:36 pm)

Alex Pareene writes over at Salon, Niall Ferguson trolls everyone in Newsweek:

Niall Ferguson is an intellectual fraud whose job, for years, has been to impress dumb rich Americans with his accent and flatter them with his writings. It’s a pretty easy con, honestly, if you’re born shameless and British (or French). His main argument is that Western Civilization as embodied by the British Empire is awesome and wonderful even though it traditionally involved quite a bit of killing and enslaving of non-Westerners. Since becoming an insufferable American political commentator he’s decided that America needs to cut Medicare and spend the savings on fighting neo-imperialist wars with an army made up of “the illegal immigrants, the jobless and the convicts.” (Also he sued the London Review of Books for publishing this devastating review of his career.)

Rape and Ha Cha Cha

Todd AkinLadies (or as I like to think of you, baby vessels), Representative Todd Akin wants you to know that he’s got your back. Or your vagina, he didn’t get into specifics. By being against the right to abortion even in cases of rape, he isn’t saying that you should have to give birth to the rapist’s child. In secret discussions with doctors, Akin has learned that in “legitimate” cases of rape, women rarely become pregnant. There’s a lot to break down in this bit of news, so let me take it point by point.

First, I wonder if these doctors that Akin talked to aren’t doctors of theology. That would make sense. Let’s face it, most people are anti-choice because they are Christians. That’s really where all this stuff comes from. And note that nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about abortion. As a medical guide, the Bible sucks. I think it might have something to do with the scientific ignorance of the people who wrote it. The book has some doozies; the flat earth is my favorite. But the main thing is that the Bible is silent on the question of abortion and it was only through the efforts of lots of theologians over the years that they decided that abortion was wrong. It was the same reasoning they used to determine if Adam and Eve had belly buttons and how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. (What kind of dance do you suppose they were doing? I’m thinking the Bachata!)

Second, I’m real interested in what a legitimate rape is. Is it one that occurs when a woman’s skirt reaches to her knees? When she isn’t wearing make-up? Or perhaps when she’s not menstruating and putting out those mysterious ha cha cha chemicals that drive men mad? I’m sure that Akin isn’t suggesting that some women are just asking for it. And he couldn’t be saying that women pretend to be raped after a nice man helps them to lower their ha cha cha levels. One thing is clear, if we make abortion only available to women who have been raped, I’m sure we will see a lot of women pretending that they’ve been raped—ha cha cha or no.

Third, Akin is correct in saying that women rarely become pregnant as a result of a rape. Between 3% and 6% of rape victims become pregnant as a result. This is indeed rare. But still, researchers at the University of South Carolina calculated that over 30,000 rape induced pregnancies occur each year. This is what we call math: small percentages of large numbers are large numbers. It’s like the death penalty for innocent people: even if the percentage is small, it still sucks if you are in it.

I know that Akin and his ilk believe that women have mysterious anti-ha cha cha chemicals that determine that the lady parts are having No Fun and go out and surround the egg with bayonet wielding defenders. “Stand back you unwanted sperm!” But there are, in fact, no such chemicals. Many studies have found that rape victims are just as likely to get pregnant as are ha cha cha women. In addition, one study by two researchers at St. Lawrence University found that rape victims were roughly twice as likely to get pregnant. They concluded this was because women often choose not to have consensual (ha cha cha) sex when they were fertile. Rape victims have no such control. What’s more, the rapists may be more driven to their acts of violence when women are fertile.

Finally: remember ladies, Todd Akin doesn’t hate you. He’s looking out for you. He is thinking about you all the time. All the time. That’s right. He can just imagine the horror of a legitimate rape. He can see it! That man holding you down. Pushing your skirt up revealing your soft skin. Yeah. He can just see it. Ha cha cha!

We’re Not Screwing You

Chris HayesOn today’s Up with Chris Hayes, he deconstructs the right wing claim that they will not change Medicare for anyone over 55. I’ve been complaining about this for years, but especially last week. As I wrote then, “In other words: if you are young you probably won’t vote for us anyway, so fuck you!”

The idea is most clearly: if you are people who will vote for us, we will protect you. If you aren’t, oh well.

Here is 13 seconds of video where Chris Hayes lays out exactly what’s going on.

Update (Right Away)

You knew Paul Ryan was a hypocrite, right?

Existential Threats

Romney-Ryan 2012There are existential threats all around these days. In the long run, I believe the rich are facing one. In the short run, I am. And the poor always are. Here are a few thoughts on modern American.

Class Warfare

If there really were class warfare between the 99% and the 1% (actually, more like the 0.1%), then it would no longer be metaphorical. When numbers are this lopsided, the small minority will either be taken out or forced to change. I think the fact that no one is calling for revolution (Even the Occupy Movement just wants a discussion!) indicates we as a people are committed to our political institutions and accepting of high levels of inequality.

Claiming that people who would like to see a wee bit more equality are engaged in class warfare is the height of right wing whining. The truth is that the rich (Especially the super-rich!) should want to see a slightly more egalitarian society. Their lives are great. They should want to preserve it. They should be all for giving alms to the poor—even or perhaps especially the “undeserving” poor. They should be all for calming the anxieties of the middle class. They should be all for fighting environmental threats. If the world goes on tilt due to global warming or there is a revolution because of inequality, all I have to lose is the continued struggle of my crappy life. The rich, however, have very much to lose.

Risk Taking

Another thing that bugs me is this idea that people should be rewarded for “risk taking.” We’ve heard this a lot from Mitt Romney, I gather, because if he is deserving of his hundreds of millions, it is because of the risks he’s taken. On its face, this doesn’t make a lot of sense, because Romney was never risking his own money or even his job or reputation. But there is a much bigger issue here: stakes.

Sheldon Adelson is said to be worth roughly $25 billion. I am worth about $10,000. This means that just based upon the numbers, Adelson could invest $10 million in a new company and this would be equivalent to me investing $4 in—What?—a used book for research. So I don’t see why Adelson should be rewarded for his risk taking—he isn’t taking any risk! This goes further, because Adelson could “risk” $20 billion without really risking anything. He would still be wealthy beyond imagining. On the other hand, for me to risk $1000 is a huge risk. It is an existential risk. Adelson would have to risk something like $25.999 billion to start to face an existential risk.

Romney-Ryan 2012!

I found this on Crooks & Liars. As bad as Obama is, the stakes in this election are too high to protest. Romney-Ryan really are an existential threat to this country. And this video is very funny in pointing this out:

The People’s Touch Not People’s Interests

As much as I have problems with his policies and the way that he dealt with the Republicans, the President it great on the campaign trail. He really has the people’s touch. It makes me want to follow him. But then I remember that he was going to sell out Social Security and Medicare for a tiny tax with Boehner. And I remember that he isn’t good, he’s just better than the Republicans—who are crazy and evil. Still, you can’t but be impressed with this:

My Boy Chris Hayes

Chris Hayes was fantastic today. He discusses how Paul Ryan’s biography betrays his philosophy. He also notes the hypocrisy of Ayn Rand and other conservative icons, but puts it in context. “It’s not hypocrisy that bothers me so much as the ridiculous self-serving selective vision of those who have benefited from personal privilege, social connection, family name, and yes, the welfare state, constantly hectoring others to sink or swim on their own and taking determined effective steps to destroy policies that give other folks some of the same cushion they had. That’s a problem much bigger than Paul Ryan.” Watch:

Later in the show, Michael Hastings gets in an argument about Julian Assange with pretend reasonable but really fucktard conservative Josh Barro. Barro makes the argument that the government should be able to keep secrets because of its diplomatic needs. But Hastings destroys the argument by pointing out that it isn’t the press’s job to support the government’s diplomatic missions. What Barro is saying crosses the line from conservative to fascist. I’m not sure if he realizes it. Watch it, it’s great:

David Rakoff

David RakoffDavid Rakoff died last week on 9 August 2012. He was 47 with a long history of cancer. Today, This American Life did a show dedicated to him. I always really liked him. Listening to him you could tell that he wasn’t terribly comfortable in his skin. This I understand.

At the end of the program, This American Life replayed “Wedding Toast” from its Frenemies episode. They describe it, “David Rakoff demonstrates—in rhyme—how to make a wedding toast for people you never wanted to see married in the first place.”

The whole poem is about a guy expected to perform the toast at the wedding of a couple with whom he has a complicated relationship. (It can be found on the Ceremony Ceremony Blog.) He has been hurt past the point where he considers them friends, but he doesn’t want to cause a scene or look bad himself. The poem continues:

“Hmm, Josh, well, Patricia, a few family and friends,
I’ll say a few words, if you will, before everything ends.

You’ve promised to honor, to love and obey,
We’ve quaffed our champagne and been cleansed by sorbet,

All in endorsement of your hers and hisdom,
So now let me add my two cents worth of wisdom.

I was racking my brain, sitting here at this table,
Until I remembered this suitable fable,

That gets at a truth, though it may well distort us.
So here with the Tale of the Scorpion and Tortoise.

The Scorpion was hamstrung, his tail all aquiver,
Just how would he manage to get cross the river,

‘Why, the water’s so deep’ he observed with a sigh,
Which pricked at the ears of a tortoise nearby.

‘Well, why don’t you swim?’ asked the slow-moving fellow,
‘Unless you’re afraid, I mean what are you yellow?’

‘It isn’t a matter of fear or of whim’, said the scorpion,
‘But that I don’t know how to swim’

‘Ah, I didn’t mean to be glib when I said that,
I figured you were an amphibian’

‘No offense taken’ the Scorpion replied,
‘But how bout you help me to reach the far side?

You swim like a dream, and you have what I lack,
What’s say you take me across on your back?’

‘I’m really not sure that’s the best thing to do’
Said the Tortoise, ‘Now that I see that it’s you.

You’ve a less than ideal reputation preceding,
There’s talk of your victims all poisoned and bleeding.

You’re the Scorpion, and how can I say this, but well,
I just don’t feel safe with you riding my shell.’

The Scorpion replied, ‘What would killing you prove?
We’d both drown, so tell me, how would it behoove me,

To basically die at my very own hand,
When all I desire is to be on dry land.’

The Tortoise considered the Scorpions defense.
When he gave it some thought it made perfect sense.

The niggling voice in his mind he ignored,
And he swam to the bank and called out, ‘Climb aboard’.

But just a few moments from when they set sail,
the Scorpion lashed out with his venomous tail.

The Tortoise too late, understood that he’d blundered,
when he felt his flesh stabbed and his carapace sundered.

As he fought for life he said, ‘Tell me why
You have done this, for now we will surely both die!’

‘I don’t know!’, cried the Scorpion,
‘You never should trust a creature like me, because poison I must.

I’d claim some remorse or at least some compunction,
But I just can’t help it, my form is my function!

You thought I’d behave like my cousin the crab,
But unlike him, it is but my nature to stab.

The Tortoise expired with one final quiver,
And then both of them sank, swallowed up by the river.

The Tortoise was wrong to ignore all his doubts,
because in the end friends, our natures will out.”

Nathan paused, cleared his throat, took a sip of his drink,
He needed these extra few seconds to think.

The room had gone frosty, the tension was growing,
Folks wondered precisely where Nathan was going.

The prospects of skirting fiasco seemed dim,
But what he said next surprised even him.

“So, what can we learn from their watery ends?
Is there some lesson on how to be friends?

I think what it means is that central to living
A life that is good, is a life that’s forgiving.

We’re creatures of contact. Regardless of whether
We kiss or we wound, still we must come together.

Though it may spell destruction, we still ask for more,
Since it beats staying dry, but so lonely on shore.

So, we make ourselves open, while knowing full well
Its essentially saying, ‘Please, come pierce my shell.'”

Silence doesn’t paint the depth of quiet in that room.
There was no clinking stemwear toasting to the bride and groom.

You could have heard a pedal as it landed on the floor.
And in that stillness Nathan turned, and walked right out the door.

David Rakoff always seemed a gentle soul. If he does not deserve to rest in peace, no one does.