Do you remember this bumper sticker? It has always made a lot of sense to me. Just the same, I try to keep calm. In recent years, this has been more and more difficult.
There are two political commentators who I think of when I reflect on, “If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Attention!” The first is Eric Alterman, who I write about quite often—most recently, Paul Ryan’s Holy Trinity. The second is Dean Baker, who I also write about often—most notably, Copyright is for Wimps.
Today in a take down of an Ezra Klein article that I haven’t yet read—Still Getting the Housing Bubble Wrong—Dean Baker has a parenthetical comment that I think is infinitely quotable:
Who doesn’t love any professional who thinks lowly of his profession? We need more lovable curmudgeons like Eric Alterman and Dean Baker.
What a great quote! And yes I share your love for professionals who "think lowly" of their profession.
Thanks for stopping by and posting verse at my Political Madness Blog!