I will have more to say tomorrow (or even tonight). For now, nothing more need be said.
There were 87,000 people at Glenn Beck’s rally. This compares rather poorly with MLK’s 1963 rally that drew over 200,000 without the months of cable advertising. When the readers of NewsOpi read this number, they went crazy. These people really believe that their movement is much bigger than it is. I posted the following:
Update 2
A number of people at the 47th anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech yelled to the teabaggers, “Don’t drink the tea!” I’m afraid it’s too late.
Update 3
Back to my battle on NewsOpi:
People do not vote on the quality of comments; they vote on whether they agree with what is said. This is madness and is why I do not allow “ratings” on my site (franklycurious.com or Frankly Curious). Unpopular comments add to the discussion. On this page, we see the same idea over and over: the rally was HUGE. Well it _was_ huge; 87,000 is a large number of people. Why is it necessary to claim more?
I find almost all of the posts here fall into one of two categories. First: there were hundreds of thousands of people at the rally. (Wrong.) Second: Glenn Beck rocks. (Opinion, but I’m willing to listen.) How many times do these ideas have to be repeated. We know (1) Glenn Beck was probably wrong when he claimed that there would be over 100,000 at the rally, and (2) that Glenn Beck has millions of fans.
Could we please discuss something interesting? Here’s an idea: how is it that Beck managed to attract less than 100,000 people to an event that was nightly advertised on cable TV over the course of months, while MLK attracted well over twice that number without the ad campaign when the US population was half what it is today?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
The people who follow Beck are naive. They trust him despite his obvious insincerity. Also, he supports all of the misguided beliefs they already have.
I tend to disagree. I think Beck is the real-life Howard Beale (The "I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!" guy from Network). In fact, I think that he has even said so himself. It is worth watching the film again. If an Arthur Jensen came around and got Beck to believe something new, he would turn on a dime. I think he believes what he says. It is just sad the people he listens to.
It is also notable that all of his recent heroes were people who HATED MLK. If MLK were around today, Beck would be calling him a communist and a Nazi–just like, oh what’s his name: the President of the United States. You know the United States: that country Beck loves _so_ much. [weep.]