New at Pychotronic Review: Ishtar.
We have a new system at Psychotronic Review. We create pages for films. And those pages contain one or more articles about the film. In this case, the article is, Ishtar Is a Funny Movie — Why Haven’t You Watched it? You should know that a film this maligned must have something going for it. And when it’s written and directed by Elaine May, how can it miss? Well, it can’t. It’s just that for some reason, the studio decided to kill it and a whole bunch of people decided to hate it without seeing it.
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Never yet got around to watching “Ishtar” – but I had no idea that was an Elaine May project.
So have you ever seen “A New Leaf” (1971) which May not only wrote and directed, but also starred in, along with Walter Matthau? Not sure how “A New Leaf” holds up now, but fun, silly, and sweet (plus some black humor and social satire) exactly describes my recollection of it.