Morning Music: Bo Carter

Bo CarterBo Carter is perhaps the greatest character of the Mississippi delta. He is known mostly for his bawdy songs like Banana in Your Fruit Basket and Your Biscuits Are Big Enough for Me and many others. But he was a whole lot more than that.

I quite like his guitar playing, which reminds me a lot of Mississippi John Hurt. It’s an intricate picking style, clearly designed to put the focus on his voice. I’ve also heard him play some slide guitar, which sounded very good.

Now I had meant to provide you with one of his straight songs, but I think you should hear “All Around Man.” It’s probably his most clever song of sexual innuendo. Although if you try really hard, you can see it as a plea for a place to stay and work because he’s a jack of all trades. Still, when he talks about being able to help out until the milkman comes, I’m afraid he steps over the line of innuendo.

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