Morning Music: Shaun the Sheep

Shaun the SheepI’ve been on an Aardman Animations jag. Mostly, this has meant a lot of Wallace and Gromit and a little Chicken Run. But as nice as the music is in those wonderful films, they don’t compare to the amazingly catchy theme song to Shaun the Sheep. And it is that song that has been stuck in my head for two days, driving me even more crazy than usual.

There have been 130 episodes of the show — most about seven minutes long. But what I just learned is that Aardman created a feature length film, Shaun the Sheep Movie. But other than being shown at Sundance, it doesn’t seem to have been released in the United States. But I’m sure I’ll wait for the DVD anyway.

The theme song is “Life’s a Treat.” It was written by Mark Thomas and performed by comedian Vic Reeves. All you hear on the show is a the chorus, of course. Here’s the whole thing:

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