On this day in 1848, the great stained glass artist Louis Comfort Tiffany was born. He was the son of the Tiffany. He came from money — much further back than his father. But we don’t need to talk about that. He actually worked in a lot of different forms including painting. But it is the stained glass that really stands out. He did a lot of Art Nouveau, but his most interesting stuff is his religious work — although I don’t think he was a particularly religious person.
So let’s look at some of his work. First, here is Sermon on the Mount from 1902:

And here is Girl with Cherry Blossoms from a decade earlier:

There is a lot more of his work you can check out on Google Images. But I think you get the idea. He also did a lot of those stained glass lamps, but that was just part of the family business. Try not to think about it.
Happy birthday Louis Comfort Tiffany!