Anton Losenko

Fyodor Volkov by Anton LosenkoRenaissance composer Hieronymus Praetorius was born in 1560. He is actually quite interesting. Here is Tota Pulchra Es:

French mathematician Gilles de Roberval was born in 1602—shortly before the invention of calculus, which he really could have used. Light opera composer Samuel Arnold was born in 1740. Here is a fun little song “Polly”:

Physicist Aleksandr Stoletov was born in 1839. Russian Romantic period composer Alexander Glazunov was born in 1865. He is very romantic and very Russian. Just listen to this Concert Waltz No. 2:

More or less the creator of the game Monopoly, Charles Darrow was born in 1889. Actor Norma Shearer was born in 1902. Actor Noah Beery Jr—best known for playing the father on The Rockford Files—was born in 1913. And Bobby Hatfield of The Righteous Brothers was born in 1940.

Poker legend Doyle Brunson is 80 today. Singer Ronnie Spector is 70. Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull is 66. Here is he is with the band doing “Locomotive Breath”:

Actor Rosanna Arquette is 54. Actor Antonio Banderas is 53. And whiny fucktard Andrew Sullivan is 50.

The day, however, belongs to the great Ukrainian neoclassical painter Anton Losenko who was born on this day in 1737. He was probably more important as an educator. His painting textbook was used for 200 years after he wrote it. But I put him here because I find his work so compelling, like Miraculous Catch:

Miraculous Catch

Happy birthday Anton Losenko!

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About Frank Moraes

Frank Moraes is a freelance writer and editor online and in print. He is educated as a scientist with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics. He has worked in climate science, remote sensing, throughout the computer industry, and as a college physics instructor. Find out more at About Frank Moraes.

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