Dear Mr. President:
Why is the EPA going to delay regulating greenhouse gases in power plants? Look:
1. The economy is bad.
2. Businesses are sitting on piles of money they won’t spend.
Thus, now is the perfect time to implement environmental regulations. It will clean up the environment and create jobs. A win-win!
Don’t be dumb about this. Don’t be afraid. Be a proud liberal. It isn’t just morally right, it practically right. Also: it is good politics (at least it will be within a couple of years).
Now go make the country proud!
—Frank Moraes
PS: I hope that you don’t treat these email comments any less seriously than phone calls. Some of us don’t like phones. But if email is counted for less, please tell me; I’ll write you regular letters!
(It would be good for the post office too. And that reminds me: I really don’t like how Congress since 2006 has been abusing one of the very best—and Constitutionally mandated—government functions. I’m just saying.)