Paul Krugman claims, “If [the following video] doesn’t make you smile, something is wrong with you.” Dare you take the Krugman Challenge?
Click below the fold for my reaction.
This song did quite a bit more for me than just make me smile. It’s real foot tapping music. The band is Elephant Revival. I don’t know quite what to call them. They have a great kind of modal thing going on, which they combine with catchy melodies and a quirky style. What really strikes me about them is that they aren’t great musicians. It just shows the power of simple music earnestly delivered. I really want to hear more from them.
And that washboard solo is better than any drum solo I’ve ever heard.
That puts me in mind of kitchen bands—washboards, a pair of pot lids for cymbals, and I don’t remember what else. When I was very young, and living in a small town, they were staples in parades (and in that time and place we had lots of parades).
@JayfulA – Yeah. Who would have thought you could do so much with so little. I’d like to see her on the spoons!