I am a big MST3K fan, as you can see by the fact that I call Mystery Science Theater 3000 “MST3K.” I never really understood the character TV’s Frank, but I’ve long thought that the actor Frank Conniff is a brilliant man. If I hadn’t already thought that, however, I certainly would have after subscribing to his Twitter feed. Here are just a few from the last week.
First up, movie fun:
“Dark Knight Rises” is out on blu ray. The dull, plodding, overrated pomposity comes vividly to life like never before!
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) December 6, 2012
Cannabis legalization:
As of this morning, pot was legal in WA. As of this afternoon, all children in state were heroin addicts. I warned you!
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) December 7, 2012
This tweet was extra special because he got into a flame war with a lawyer who took exception of making fun of children becoming heroin addicts. Personally, if you can’t laugh at child junkies, who can you laugh at? Cripples?
Foreign policy:
In the wake of Pearl Harbor, we retaliated against the country that actually attacked us. We never made that mistake again.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) December 7, 2012
Gay rights:
SCOTUS to hear gay marriage case. Might be tough, considering Clarence Thomas’s wholesome, healthy approach to sexuality.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) December 8, 2012
Song writing:
Imagine John Lennon’s killer rotting in hell for all eternity. It isn’t hard to do.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) December 8, 2012
And the ultimate truth of the universe:
Rapper PSY has a history of anti-American activity. Like for instance, subjecting Americans to that Gangnam Style video.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) December 9, 2012
I recommend following the man.
Far, far too old for Twitter myself, but glad to hear TV’s Frank is still funny as ever. I remember living in Portland, OR, when the MST3K movie was released, and the local paper’s review said something along these lines: that watching the movie with rabid geeks was bizarre, that few others would want to see it, and that America might be a better place if everyone was like those bizarre MST geeks. How completely true; a sense of humor is the best bullshit deflector imaginable.
And those new "Batman"s are intolerably pompous, humorless garbage. Push the button, Frank.
@JMF – I too saw MST3K The Movie in Portland. But I was not as big a fan as I later became.
I wish I had thought to use that line: push the button, Frank.
One of my favorite bits: