Prachi Gupta reports today in Salon, Scottish farmer trumps Trump. It tells the story of Michael Forbes, a salmon fisherman in Scotland who stood up to Donald Trump and his project to build the “world’s greatest golf course” and amenities costing more than a billion dollars on over a thousand acres of environmentally fragile land in Aberdeen, Scotland. Of course Forbes isn’t the only local residence who Trump has gotten into conflicts with. But he was named “Scotsman of the Year” by a contest held by Glenfiddich and the newspaper The Scotsman.
Clyde Haberman of the New York Times notes that this award normally goes to stars like J.K. Rowling and Susan Boyle. And this year, it seemed most likely to go to the number 3 ranked tennis professional Andy Murray. But no:
Scottish public opinion apparently turned strongly in the farmer’s favor—and by extension against Mr. Trump and the Scottish government that bent to his will—after the British Broadcasting Corporation showed “You’ve Been Trumped” in October. The New Yorker’s lawyers had tried unsuccessfully to block the broadcast.
Mr. Forbes’s description of his first meetings with Mr. Trump will also be familiar to New Yorkers. It’s the man they recognize.
“He was being all nicey, nicey and talking about how successful he was and how much money he had,” the crofter told The Scotsman. “That was it for me. I took an instant dislike to him. He called me a village idiot and accused me of living in a pigsty, but I think everyone knows by now that he’s the clown of New York.”
Yes, Mr. Forbes; we’ve known for a long time.
Here is the trailer for You’ve Been Trumped. I’ll let you know if I find it online.