“When President Obama took office in January 2009 the US was plunging downward into the worst recession since World War II. By summer 2009, the US had begun a weak but real recovery, which at last seems to be accelerating into an expansion that more and more Americans can feel.
“President Obama gave the order that killed Osama bin Laden. He ended the war in Iraq on acceptable terms. He is enforcing tightening sanctions against Iran, inspiring hopes of a peaceful end to that country’s nuclear program.
“Meanwhile, his opponents in Congress have behaved about as badly and irresponsibly as any opposition group…”
That’s how the liberal’s favorite conservative David Frum starts his endorse of… Mitt Romney! So why, after all of the good Obama has done and all the bad the Republicans have done is Frum voting for Mitt Romney? If we don’t, his party members in Congress will destroy the United States:
Jonathan Chait notes that David Frum joked about this less than a year ago:
Frum isn’t alone in this. Pretty much every Romney endorsement from a “reasonable” source was the same. This is exactly what Paul Krugman wrote about on Friday. It is a very dangerous idea that we should elect a Republican President because that is the only way to make the Republicans in Congress behave. And this kind of logic is all the worse when it comes to supposedly reasonable conservatives like David Frum.
Update (3 November 2012 1:03 pm)
Jonathan Chait also talks about how the same thing was said when Bush Jr was running. It turned out to be sort of truth: Republicans did stop blocking legislation. But what was that legislation?