Liberals like David Frum—they think of him as the Reasonable Conservative. But like any conservative, that doesn’t mean much. Yesterday, he wrote an excellent review of racist pseudo-scientist and conservative apologist Charles Murray’s (“Blacks are poor because they’re dumb!”) Coming Apart. (Sorry: I just can’t bring myself to provide a link to this fucktard’s book.) Frum savages the book and the author.
But as I said: Frum isn’t that reasonable. Murray writes in his new book that it isn’t unreasonable to hold ideological positions on issues that are resistant to data or facts. He provides such a list of positions. Frum counters:
In a general sense, you have to applaud Frum: thanks for being reasonably open-minded. However, it is clear that Frum needs an overwhelming amount of evidence if it is going to cut through his ideology. It has been decades since social scientists have known that same-sex marriage is not harmful to society. And if Frum still thinks that cannabis is some kind of dangerous drug, he has a Teflon coating regarding facts. (Note how cannabis must be “harmless”—a claim that cannot be made of any human activity including water drinking.)
Beware the Reasonable Conservative because if you look close, you will find him neither reasonable nor conservative.