Morning Music: Luciano Pavarotti

O Sole Mio - Luciano Pavarotti Based upon how often I sing it, “‘O Sole Mio” is one of my very favorite songs. Of course, other than those first three syllables (“my own sun”), I don’t know any of the words. So I just make up nonsense syllables or repeat the three I know. It is a powerful and, as it turns out, cheery song. It’s a love song. It is about how the singer’s own sun lights up the face of his loved one. But who cares? It’s the music that really matters.

At this point, the best known version of the song is by Luciano Pavarotti. I must admit that when I hear his name, I think of John Candy’s not terribly flattering impersonation of him. Just the same, he has the look and mannerisms down. But Pavarotti was an amazing talent, as you can see in this live version of the song back in 1987 at Madison Square Garden:

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