Today is the fifth anniversary of Frankly Curious. It was on 10 November 2009 that I wrote my first article, Everything Interesting for Everyone Interesting. All things considered, it isn’t a bad article. I was clearly trying a bit too hard, however.
For the first couple of months, I wrote ten or more articles. But after several months, it dropped to a trickle: two or three per month. And then I discovered that I could write about politics and things picked up. But it wasn’t until about two years that Frankly Curious became a dependable daily thing. And then leading into the 2012 election, it became more like an addiction. In fact, in those days, I sometimes did ten articles per day. Now I try to avoid doing more than five articles per day. Anyway, I think the average article lengths are longer now — more in the 700 – 800 word length, and quite often over a thousand words.
Anyway, I’m kind of amazed that this thing is still going. And that it continues to develop. There are more readers every month that passes. It is actually kind of shocking. But I guess it feeds on itself. The more content you create, the more things there are to show up in search results. And having built it, I can’t image allowing it to slip back. Although at some point, I may well have to do that. Or I’ll just die, in which case I don’t care.
By way of celebration, here is David Bowie’s apocalyptic “Five Years”: